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修改 <<出版法>> 和 <<視聽廣播法>>民意研究項目

The Public Consultation Project on
Amendement of the Press Law and the Audio-visual Broadcasting Act

DP Team

Core Researchers

Dr. Angus Cheong (Project Director)

  • - Director of ERS Solutions (Macao) Ltd.
  • - Part-time Lecturer of Public Opinion for Master Programme, Department of Communication,
  •    University of Macau
  • - Vice-chair, Asia Pacific Internet Research Alliance (APIRA)
  • - President of Macau Polling Research Association
Dr. Cheong has devoted to polling research and Internet research since 1999 and has been the lecturer of Research Methods, Public Opinion, and Internet Communication courses in University of Macau. He founded the innovative research institution ERS Solutions (Macao) Ltd. in 2009, which consists of ERS e-Research (Lab), committed to providing research support and consulting services, and initiate the practical use of academic results. Dr. Cheong won Elizabeth Nelson Prize for best paper at the 2003 conference of World Association of Public Opinion Research (WAPOR). 
Dr. Cheong has written many academic articles related to communication laws and regulations in Macau, including “The Media Law Revision in Macao SAR” and “Overview of Communication Laws and Regulations in Macao SAR” in “World Chinese Media Year Book 2006”,and “The Present and Future of Communication Laws and Regulations in Macao SAR” in “Shanghai Journalism Review”.

Professor James Fishkin (founder of DP and Project Executor)
  • - Director of Stanford's Center for Deliberative Democracy and the founder of Deliberative Poll®
  • - Professor of Communication and Professor of Political Science, Chair of the Dept of Communication at Stanford University
  • - Janet M. Peck Chair in International Communication at Stanford University
Fishkin received his B.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science from Yale as well as a second Ph.D. in Philosophy from Cambridge. 
His most recent book When the People Speak: Deliberative Democracy and Public Consultation was published by Oxford University Press in fall 2009. He is best known for developing Deliberative Polling® - a practice of public consultation that employs random samples of the citizenry to explore how opinions would change if they were more informed. Professor Fishkin and his collaborators have conducted Deliberative Polls in the US, Britain, Australia, Denmark, Bulgaria, China, Greece and other countries. 
Fishkin has been a Visiting Scholar and Fellow in many universities including Cambridge and Stanford. 

Dr. Alice Siu (DP practitioner and Project Executor)
  • - Deputy Director of the Center for Deliberative Democracy, Stanford University
Dr. Siu received her Ph.D in Political Communication at the Department of Communication, in 2009, and received Nathan Maccoby Paper Award at Stanford University in the same year.
Dr. Siu is an expert in the implementation of Deliberative Polling. She established a method to measure the quality of comments, issues positions in her work and summed up the discussion variables based on deliberative democracy theory and five transcripts of DP discussion. She presided over the DP in the United States, Australia, Europe, Brazil, Japan, Korea and China.

Professor Gustavo Cardoso (Project Executor)
  • - Professor of School of Technology and Society, Sociology Research Center, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Professor Cardoso has extensive research and cooperative project experience. In collaboration with Department of Communication and Performance Studies of University of Milan, and the Portuguese Catholic University, he participated in IN3 in Barcelona (Internet Interdisciplinary Institute, the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute), WIP (World Internet Project) located in the University of Southern California Annenberg campus, COST A20 "The Impact of the Internet in Mass Media" and the COST 298 "Broadband Society".
During 1996 to 2006, he worked as the information society and telecommunications policy adviser for President of the Republic of Portugal. In 2008, he was named Young Global Leaders by the World Economic Forum.
He co-edited the book Network Society: from Knowledge to Policy with online social research authority Manuel Castells and also served as deputy editor of University of Southern California Anneberg Campus IJOC and Routledge Press, IC & S and other peer review journals. He is also one of the panel members of the ERC (European Research Council) and ESF (European Science Foundation).

Professor Zhao Xinshu (Project Executor)
  • - Dean and Chair Professor of School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University
Professor Zhao Xinshu has been the dean and chair professor of School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University since 2007. Before going to HK, he is the professor of School of News and Mass Communication and Director of News and Mass Communication Research Centre in University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is also the visiting professor at China University of Political Science and part-time researcher of Information and Communication Research Center at Fudan University.
Professor Zhao’s research is productive. His major works include "The Plight of Election - the Reform of Democratic Institutions and Constitutional Critique, updated version," "Out of the Plight of Election - the Historic Stories and the Future of Democracy," "Power of the Media" ,"Unbalanced Spiral and International Image " and so on.
Professor Zhao is also an expert of electoral system and collective decision-making method, international authority of intermediate analysis and the newly appointed chair professor of, Cheung Kong Scholars of Fudan University, the deputy editor of "Annals of Communication" in United States, and one of Chinese members of the Group the of Global Journalism Education Reform in UNESCO.

Other researchers:

Sherry. X. CHANG
  • - Master of Arts in Communication and New Media, participate in  the literature review and coordination work of DP

Athena I. N. SENG

  • - Master of Arts in Communication and New Media, participate in the data analysis

Kathy Lam

  • - Master of Arts in Global Communication, participate in the literature review

Si Kei. Kong

  • - Master of Philosophy in Communication, participate in the literature review

Casber U. Ka. Kit

  • - Master of Arts in Communication and New Media, participate in multimedia and media productions

Candy S. M. Fong

  • - Expert of survey data collection, participate in investigation method design and data collection

Liliana Pacheco

  • - Participate in literature review in Europe